I just had myself a near perfect moment.
I was out running errands, and had brought along a nice, fat, juicy nectarine . . . .
. . . for munchies.
After getting my nails done, and stopping in at Target for necessary Target stuff, I remembered that lovely nectarine.
By now after almost two hours of being in my car in the summer heat, that was one warm and super juicy nectarine.
I took that first bite and it was so dang GOOD.
I immediately started to think how it was too bad I didn't have a nice dish of creamy vanilla ice cream to go with it.
I look across the parking lot and there is a nice friendly little McDonald's.
Oh Boy!!!!!
Five minutes later I'm at the north end of the parking lot eating creamy vanilla soft-serve and a delicious car warmed super juicy nectarine.
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH . . . . . . . SIGH . . . .
And then to make it even better. . . . .
. Satellite by Guster starts to play.
It really was a wonderful, happy, delicious, feel good moment.
And of course it made me think of my poor neglected little blog, and how much I wanted to share.
I did have one other thought at the time. . . .
Would I have enjoyed this as much at 24 or even 44 as I did at 54? I like to think I would have, but I don't know.
It's taken me a while . . . . .
to really grow up . . . . . . .
and set my priorities in order . . . . .
and today I did just that .
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago