Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fat Clothes

This is something I have been meaning to write about for quite a while. I have lost around 45 pounds in the last year and a half. It feels really good to be down by that much but on the other hand it also sometimes feels like just a drop in the bucket.

At least on my negative days.

Yesterday, Courtney and I went into this new pet store that has opened for business called Petland. They have puppies and Courtney was simply dying to show them to me. The place is next to where we get our nails done.

Yes, Courtney seems to be intent on keeping her new nails. Especially after she read my post about them.

Okay. Me, Courtney, pet store. My point.

My point here is that one of the girls (well more of a young woman I guess) who works there used to work at the Store HOT TOPIC. HT was Courtney's favorite store for quite a few years. She has outgrown it now and really never goes in there. But, when she was one of their most devoted customers she was always dragging me in there. (IE, I was the one with the money.) Well this young women that knew Courtney (and me too apparently) saw me as she came over to offer us help and the first thing she said to me was, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe how much weight you've lost!"

That felt really good.

It would have felt even better, of course, if I had lost enough weight to not still be big, but, ya know what? I'm willing to take an honest compliment any time, anywhere. This of course, doesn't really have a whole lot to do with my chosen topic today, but I figure it does make for nice filler. Plus part of my point is that I am smaller than I used to be.

What I really want to talk about are Fat Clothes.

I know this is sometimes a problem with regular sized clothes as well but if you aren't needing clothing any larger than a size 14 I invite you to "come take a walk in my shoes." First of all let me paint a picture for you of how clothing manufacturers see us big girls.

Apparently our arms hang past our knees.

This is quite evident in the fact that almost every long sleeved top in a plus size has arms that hang anywhere from an inch or two past my hands to oh, maybe a foot. I do realize that I am a short n fat, as opposed to a medium n fat or a tall n fat. But I refuse to believe that even the tallest of we big girls has an eight foot arm span. I don't THINK so. I do find plenty of nice, long sleeved tops that fit me quite nicely of course. I just have to hem up the sleeves. That is somewhat harder with a sweater or a jacket. I do admit that sometimes you just get lucky and stumble across some really nice looking sweater with sleeves not designed for your average Neanderthal. Of course at least part of the time the sleeves are short enough because they are actually three quarter length.

Yes indeed. The good ol, three quarter length sleeves, are a big girls best friend.

Next. Shoulders.

It seems that these same manufacturers believe that any women past a size 14 has linebacker shoulders. I swear, this is true. I can't count how many times I will see a cute top, and take it to the dressing room and try it on, only to discover that it's neck is so wide and deep that the only way it will work for me is if I don't mind mind half of my bra showing. And, on the off chance that the top I am trying on has a small neck it is pretty much a sure thing that the shoulder lines will be practically down to my elbows. If you can't picture what a shoulder line is, it is where the top of the sleeve meets the end of the shoulders.

Yeah. You see? Not a pretty picture.

Believe it or not, I am still not done with arms.
Say you pick out a short sleeved top. As long as it is a knit top it's not usually a big deal. But, and this is a big one. If you happen to like one of the many woven (that means not a knit for those not so familiar with fabric terms) tops that are so ubiquitous now a days, well, all I can say, is you better beware of those tight sleeves. I actually covered this in one of my past posts titled "Susan's fashion flubbery".
If you are needing a plus sized woven top, as many of us do, then don't be surprised if it fits quite nicely everywhere but the sleeves.

They will be too tight.

If I want one of these kinds of tops, I will almost always need a size that is way too big on me just so the stupid sleeves won't be too tight. I absolutely HATE that. So along with them thinking we have really long arms (they probably picture us all with hairy knuckles too, I bet) they also see us with super big broad shoulders, but then, in spite of the arms and the shoulders, they assume we have slender arms.

I don't get that. I really don't.

Have any of you ever seen a large woman who had shoulders that would make a football player proud, bent over slightly, moving herself along with her long yet amazingly thin arms (picture a gorilla)??? Well, HAVE you??? I thought not.

Now, if you will further humor me, I believe I will take on. . . .


Yes pants. I think that plenty of you average sized ladies might even be able to relate to some of this. What is it with pants anyway? How hard can it be for manufacturers to make jeans and trousers that fit and flatter most body types? And please, please, for the love of all that is good and decent, don't ever assume that just because a label says something like; "Sized to fit your body", or, "Slim fit, We promise these jeans will make you look a size smaller". Please don't think for a moment that you can believe those labels. In fact it has been my experience that businesses who want to cover up something that consumers will undoubtably be unhappy with, they will slap a "For your convenience" or a "To better serve our customers" sign up. Hoping of course that their customers will be so impressed by those fancy sounding promises that they won't realize that prices have been raised or customer service has been cut back.

Never trust those signs. They are all "code" for, SUCKERS!!!

I digress,
back to the horrors of pants shopping for the larger woman. It can be extremely hard to find a pair of plus sized pants that don't have a huge stomach and thighs combined with a much smaller waistband. I don't get it. Doesn't it stand to reason that if you fit into the waistband that maybe, just maybe you don't need all that extra room in the stomach and thighs? Now I don't have a problem with a relaxed fit. No, because generally if you are a little bit bigger than the norm, chances are that you won't have washboard abs.

I just don't think it is necessary to have a waistband followed by a tent.

And then if they are a so-called "fitted" fit, they are so tight past the waistband that if you manage to squeeze into them you better not plan on sitting down for the day. Why can't they make a pair of pants that fit in the waistband, aren't puffy in the stomach, and have just enough room in the thighs and legs to allow you to comfortably sit, (we all are at our biggest while sitting you know) but not make you look much bigger than you really are while standing?

Could someone please give me an answer to that one.

A little more nitpickery. So many jeans and other pants these days claim to be made out of STRETCH fabric. Some of them are nice and stretchy. These are wonderful. They can be a little more form fitting while still being very comfortable. Sitting down? Ahhh, so nice to not feel squished in a pair of jeans that while standing in them felt perfect. Bending over? How nice that I don't leave my pants behind my behind. They actually move with me. Yes stretch fabrics are such a great idea, that there's no way a man could have had anything to do with them.

The problem though is fake stretch fabrics.

Once again you can't take the label's word for anything. A lot of jeans and pants say stretch today. But quite a few of them have no more stretch in them than your average towel. This is where you really need to try on.

Try on and, trust your own instincts.

Don't think that there is something wrong with you because they don't seem to have nearly as much stretch in them as your frayed, holey, patched up pair of your "wear them almost every day" old favorites. The truth is that many pants that say they are stretch, for all practical purposes, are NOT. So be real careful when you go to try them on. These are NOT shoes. They won't develop more stretch the longer you wear them. They will most likely remain as unstretchy on the day they are completely worn out as the day they were brand new.

I have lost enough weight now that quite often I can fit into the regular sized extra larges. That might not sound like such a big deal, but for someone who has lived in plus size hell for many years now it is quite an accomplishment. In fact I don't really care if I never get down to my old normal of size 6 to 8. That would be great of course but I won't ever count on it.

I'm too much of a realist.

What will really be my crowning achievement, will be the day I can walk right by the "Women's Plus" aisle and know that if I want a really good fit I need to go to regular sizes and try on a large to extra large.

A small dream but hopefully, an achievable one.


Amy J. said...

Here here. I have always hated those "made to fit your body" tags. How the heck do they know "my" body. Those always seem to fit the worst!

Janice Head said...

OK, you wrote a post that I have to comment on. As far as tight sleeves go, I think we Brinkerhoff girls just have big arms. (Poor Miranda has inherited them too) I learned years ago to never buy short sleeved anything with a cuff. I also keep waiting for the current style to change so I can get pants that fit my hips and thighs without being two inches too big in the waist. And pants that are truly stretchy fit in the morning, and I can't keep them up by the end of the day. It almost makes you want to sew your own clothes. (I won't even start on finding decent clothes for a 10 year old girl, because that would be a post in itself)

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Guys aren't COMPLETELY left out of this... I've got a few short sleeved t-shirts that fit great, except for the cuff at the end of the sleeve.

Of course, I just take that to mean that my biceps are much, much larger than the skinny, wimpy designer ever imagined! :)

KaTrina said...

You know what another thing is extremely annoying? Our size chart. Why? Because every designer/factory has their own idea of what a sizes measurements should be! Guys have it easy, I wish I could go out and be like, oh sweet, a pair of jeans, 35x38 awesome, they fit, bye.


SuzanSayz said...

It is true that really stretchy pants are pretty stretched by the end of the day. I always buy them a size too small. They are kinda tight for the first hour and then they fit pretty well without too much overstretching.

Mandi said...

Susan, susan, susan - so it was you who was watching me in the change room!!!!

I am so with you on all of this!!! I have been a plus size for probably 17 years now, but fortunately I am now able to shop at non plus size stores, but I always buy TOO BIG.

Even my work suits. One of my girlfriends who I work with used to yell at me whenever I came in wearing something new, she would say - Mandi that looks great - but its 2 sizes too big. In particular I like bigger pants - I dont want anyone to see what I had for breakfast (if you know what I mean). The clothes I am buyin now are 4 sizes smaller than what I would have bought last year, but I still buy too big. I like pants that hand. They hang from the waist, I dont like them tight.

My other problem is my waist is quite small but my ass is HUGE!! ha ha, so in order to find pants that fit my ass I have a huge gaping waist at the back, not joke probably pull it out 6 inches, and everyone says "just wear a belt" - yes I could do that but then you have to pull it in and there is all this crunched up fabric everywhere and it looks like crap,

Ok, Ive gone on enough about me now, I just wanted you to know I am right there with you babe.

I have found an amazing plus size manufacuturer here and there clothes are simply amazing!!! and oh so funky!!

I dont know if they deliver internationally, but you will LOVE everything they make!!! Check it out and tell me what you think.


Jan said...

Who are those people anyways? WE need them to show us they wear them too. I feel your pain.

Jeanette said...

I agree!!! I am 5' 11" and now a plus size. I always struggled with clothes because I'm so tall and they don't make anything that flatters tall women-unless you're a waif or pay $250 for jeans. Now that child bearing has brought me a plus sized body (although I am hoping it is temporary), I hate shopping even more.

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on the weight loss.

As for my plus size . I always say if I just knew what my spirit really looked like maybe it would help me to get this weight off.

dani said...

suz, have you ever shopped at coldwater creek??? if you have and it's been a bad experience, i'm surprised... if you haven't, you must!!! the clothes are more expensive, but i have found that they are worth every penny as far as "fit" and "quality" goes...
ps my weight goes up and down and all over, ha!!! i have purchased clothes from there from a size 4 to a size 16 (i'm short so always in a petite). good luck, dear:)

Debie Spurgeon said...

What a lovely compliment that girl paid you. I'm lucky enough to be exactly 5'6" which is the height made perfectly for most clothing. My girls are now in the junior sizes, but we have to get short pants, which sometimes is difficult. Luckily, I've found more variety lately even in the "trendy" stores they prefere to go to.

libbie said...

I just love your blog! always a good laugh! BTW, my sister works at Fairchild Cinemas, and told me a while ago that you look like you have lost a lot of weight, so there . . . another compliment!

Lisa Christine said...

OK, I will come back and read your post, and at that time I will leave a post related comment.

But this is just a reminder to pick Lorelai up at 11:00


Anonymous said...

That's cute Lisa.

Congrats on all your weight loss Susan. That's really great.

What's with "made to fit your body?" Suspicious!

Lisa Christine said...

You are so funny!!! And just so you know, I don't think it's easy to find a good fit, no matter what you size. Back before I had kids I had the hardest time fitting pants. And that was when I was still rather small. Especially at old Navy. I would have to buy big enough for my hips...but the waste was always HUGE! So frusterating!

My Three Sons said...

You always have such great posts! Sizes...I hate sizes. I wear different sizes in every different brand, and that is very annoying, too. And it is very rare that I find a pair of jeans (or any pant for that matter) where I LOVE the fit. I wish I could have a tailor to fix everything I buy exactly to fit my body. Now, that would be nice! You look awesome, what a great accomplishment to have lost 45 lbs! You inspire me!!

Jenn said...

LOL, I was going to write the same thing as Lisa!!! I suppose we're built the same :) Us Coats girls are a size bigger in the hips than the waist... makes finding pants that fit darn near impossible.
I've also noticed that the more expensive a brand of clothing is, the smaller the size on the tag. It's as if you're paying more to have them tell you you're a 6 instead of a 10. So silly.

The Garden Maiden said...

I am reluctant to weigh in on this issue, no pun intended.

Being a giant has it's share of problems too.

Maybe the answer is a nudist colony?


Burkas? ;)