Sunday, July 5, 2009

A day for Celebration!

There is a BIG occasion here in SorensonLand today!!!

My youngest son Shawn is having his 23rd BIRTHDAY!

Shawn is my most special boy.

This Summer he is attending the ARC daycamp Monday through Friday, called Partners and Pals. He LOVES his P&P!

But even more than P&P,


Ever since last July 5th, at least a few times a month (sometimes more like a week) we hear about his "Birthday on July 5th".

He truly does look forward to it the whole year long.

The really funny thing is that I don't think Shawn has ever had much love for The Fourth Of July.

I'm pretty sure he see's it as an intrusion on what is HIS day.

Oh well. He has learned to be patient and wait for the next day.

The truly Important Day.

The Fifth of JULY.

That glorious day know as Shawn Makenzie Sorenson's Birthday!!!!

And as of Today, He has now celebrated 23 of them!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOORAY SHAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now for a special treat, below I have put a few pictures of my sweet SHAWN!

Here is one of my favorite pictures of Shawn sharpening pencils

Shawn's birthday last year

Shawn at Christmas (another Shawn favorite) a few years ago

And last but not least. . . . . . .

I know that many of you have enjoyed Shawn's lists, so here you are.


off you go,

and be sure to have a

Happy Shawn's birthday!!!!!


Debie Spurgeon said...

Happy Birthday Shawn. We hope you enjoy your very special day with your family.

Stephanie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Shawn.
So Shawn and Elisabeth were both born in 1986.

I hope Shawn got all his favorite things for his birthday.

Em and Ms said...

Happy Birthday Shawn! It's also my Dad's birthday today. I hope that wasn't his list for a birthday present :)

Jeanette said...

Happy Birthday Shawn! I hope he has a great day and gets all the presents he wants. Have a great 23rd year Shawn!

KaTrina said...

Happy day after-your-birthday Shawn! I hope you enjoyed your birthday very much!

p.s. Susan, I loved this post!

Lisa Christine said...

I am so glad that I was able to be there yesterday to help celebrate Shawn's special day!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Happy Birthday to Shawn!

I hope your mom gets you the NAME BRAND hygiene products!! :)

The Donald said...

Happy Birthday Bro!

I had fun last night, I hope you did too!

My Three Sons said...

I hope he had a great birthday! And that you all had a happy 4th! (I love his list!)

dani said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOUR SWEET SHAWN!!! i hope he had a wonderful and memorable day, suz:DDD
much love,
dani xxx
ps. i love your new profile pic, you gorgeous girl you:)

Heidi D said...

Ahw, I love that Shee-aawn! He's the bestest. :)

I hope he loves that movie, I think he does. {machine gun laugh}

Jennybell said...

I was on vacation and missed this! I bet they only let off fireworks on July 4th to announce the coming of July 5th
The friend we were visiting has a son born July 4th. and he IS a little firecracker!!!!!

David said...

happy birthday shawn! hope you got everything you wanted.

Amy J. said...

I hope he had a great birthday and got everything on his list!

Alexandra said...

Yay for shawn!!!

It was fun haveing Mat, cristin, Jacub, Mathew, Catia and, Dosha ther to! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN!!!!!!
Have a good year of 23!