You may have noticed that I have not been exactly prolific lately. I don't know how to explain it other than I have a pretty bad case of blogger's block. Well the thought just occurred to me that it is summer, and what is one of the things that summer is most known for?
Re-runs! Yes that's right, re-runs.
So I have decided that running a few of my favorite older posts might be a good idea.
I have a lot more people that read my blog than I did 42 posts ago. Lisa has pointed out to me that sometimes if someone finds a blog that they like that they will go back and read all the old posts. I have actually done that myself at times. But I doubt that anyone really wants to read through that many, so I am assuming that these will be new to most of you. I'm going to try to keep the re-runs to a minimum, and come up with new ones as quickly as I can so until then I hope you will enjoy some of my oldies but goodies.
So here we go with; French Fries and the Snotty McDonald's Girl
I am more than willing to admit that I am very high maintenance. Especially when it comes to french fries. Yes, you read that right, french fries. Now I don't really like them all that much and that is mostly because by the time you get to them they are warm, limp and soggy. Disgusting.
Several years ago, before my little brother Brian was old enough to go on his mission to Japan, he worked at Burger King.
Well actually as I remember, he managed said Burger King.
One night when we were visiting my parents in Bellevue, Bri came home and told me how he was constantly frustrated with his workers not turning the fries over quickly enough to keep them fresh.
Brian apparently agreed with me that the only good fry was a hot crispy fry.
Now fast forward to about ten years ago when my wonderful Son-in-law Jeff came into our lives. Jeff had worked for years at McDonalds and had worked his way up to a pretty high position there. He told me that they were never, ever, to put the fries on your tray before your food was ready because it was important for the customer to always have fresh fries.
All of this fry knowledge over the years has kinda turned me into what some might consider a fry Nazi.
I have always been very assertive when it comes to getting what I want when I am spending money on something. My son Donald has inherited this from me, but everyone else in my family thinks I go way too far to make sure I am satisfied.
All right, now you have some background so that what I'm going to write about will make more sense.
This afternoon I went to Walmart and let my youngest son Shawn come with me. I hadn't had lunch yet so I told him we would go to McDonald's afterwards which makes sense because it is right next to Walmart.
I don't really like Mickey Dee's all that much but it had been quite a while since I had been there, so I hoped I could stomach it. It was 2:00 so they were not busy. I got up to the counter to order and as I always do I checked out the french fry station to see how many containers of fries they had sitting under the heat lamp.
I ordered and told the girl, like I always do, that I didn't want the fries that were sitting under the light I wanted fresh ones. Now I knew they wouldn't be too happy with me because they didn't even have any fries cooking at that time, since, like I said they were not busy.
The pleasant young woman that had taken my order, went over to tell the UNpleasant young woman who was standing in the back [with obviously nothing better to do] to put down some fries because the customer wanted fresh fries.
The UNpleasant young woman snarled. Yes snarled!(Trust me I was there. )
That she was not going to do that because she had just put new fries in the bin and it hadn't been three minutes yet.
I was not going to accept that kind of attitude from some snotty little McDonald's worker so I told her that they would be more than three minutes old by the time my food was ready and I would want fresh ones so they might as well put some down now. She very grudgingly put some fries in to cook and said with as much disdain as she could muster that they would take two minutes and I would have to wait. I told her I was well aware that they would take two minutes and that I was quite prepared to wait.
Then I stood there and watched the whole time to make sure she didn't SPIT in them. (Hey you know it happens.)
My fries came up and she took them out and salted them and then, trying to piss me off I'm sure, filled several boxes with fries before bringing me mine. I smiled very nicely and thanked her for the fresh fries.
I sat down with Shawn and ate what I could stand of my Big n Tasty w\no cheese and had probably 12 or 13 fries. So few that it looked like I hadn't had any of them at all, but like I said I don't really like fries that much. Even super fresh, hot crispy ones.
When we were done I had Shawn empty the tray. I always have Shawn empty the tray it makes him feel important. More on that in a later blog.
I intentionally left the fries uncovered because Miss Snotty had kind of been watching us off and on the whole time. . We walked right past her and I know she saw the almost untouched fries, and I know it really torqued her off because she immediately went and whispered something to Pleasant McDonald's Girl.
It pleased me to no end to know that she did that, it somehow felt like I had gotten in the last word.
Now, I usually like to think of myself as a nice person, but sometimes, just sometimes, it's really satisfying to get under someone's skin like that. When it's someone that really deserves it at least
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
hey, suz:) a friend of mine in college told me how to always get fresh fries... order them with no salt, and salt them yourself:D just a tip...
I like Dani's idea....I guess they would have to be fresh, wouldn't they! Clever!
I love how you tied the re-run thing into the summer time. It is what summer is about, isn't it?
I learned that trick from Jeff when he and I started hanging out back in 95. Benefits from being with a McDonald's shift manager. Ahh, good times.
Great idea, I never thought of that, and you are so right - if they are not hot and crispy there is just no point. But the dog likes them anyway they come - hee hee.....glad your back, ive been missing you.........:)
Just stopping by to see how the ratings are on your re-run.
See you a little later...
Love Dani's tip!
Funny story
That's a re-run worth a re-read!
I normally don't enjoy the summer re-runs on TV, but this one was definitely worth the re-read!
Great idea Dani!
Hey Re runs are great when the materials good! =)
Dani nailed this one huh. I know that looks. It is so frustrating. My nephew calls those burger "Big and Nasty". I thought that was funny. I am doing the no salt thing if I ever eat fries again. I should.
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