There is something about today's political process that really alarms me.
First though, I need to make it clear that even though I tend towards being a Republican, I consider myself more of an Independent.
Any of you who follow my son Donald's blog have no problem knowing where he stands on political issues. It sometimes amazes me when I find myself agreeing with him, because even though I think we fundamentally agree on quite a lot, I usually think he goes to extremes.
My two oldest, Donald and Heidi, are both very interested in current politics.
Heidi sees things from more of a liberal to middle of the road view and Donald is pretty much a rabid conservative.
And me? Well I usually don't know enough about what's going on to have many strong opinions.
Politics are just one of those things that I have minimal interest in. Kinda like sports. I really have no idea, nor do I care to know, who plays in the Super Bowl, the NBA Playoffs or even The World Series, (that is baseball isn't it?).
You see, this is how I choose to look at it; I think that Don and I live a pretty average life. There are actually several versions of what I would consider an "average" life.
We have lived through a bunch of them.
First, we got married. That put us in the"young marrieds with no children" category.
I got pregnant almost immediately. We had no insurance to pay for any of it. I looked into Government programs to see if they would cover us and was told no. So we spent our first year of marriage saving our pants off.
We lived on such a tiny shoe string budget, that my big present to Don that Christmas was a six-pack of Pepsi.
We got through this time just fine. We had saved up enough by the time I gave birth (to Donald) that we were able to pay off the entire Doctor and Hospital bill on our own.
Fast forward five years or so.
We had three children and a Mortgage. Believe it or not, right now, isn't the first time that banks have offered really sleazy home loans. We fell victim to one of those loans where we paid so much in interest that after three years we not only had no equity, we owed more on our home than the day we had signed the closing papers.
We were eventually able to get a "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure" that got us legally out of the house, with fewer black marks on our credit rating than a straight Foreclosure would have.
This is when we also found out that just a few months after we got our loan the powers that be decided to make those sorts of loans illegal.
Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Around this time, we found ourselves up to our eyeballs in debt. Some of it had been for frivolous spending, but much of it had been to keep our heads above water because our house payments had gotten so high.
We never went to a debt management place, we just got rid of our credit cards and payed them all off.
So after eight years of marriage and five years of being Home Owners (our first house was sold to buy the house with the bad loan) we found ourselves renters again.Renting a house put us into another "average category".
I guess it could be called the "Married, four kids, one income, no equity" category.
We have, over the years, (sometimes through no fault of our own, sometimes) been in many different versions of normal.
We have had, all in all, a pretty darn good life together so far. For this we are very grateful.
My point of all this, is that I can't really think of anything that any sitting President has ever done, to drastically affect my life. I'm sure that there are many people who don't see it this way. As far as I can see though, my life has been much more affected by: my children, the schools they have attended, our church, Don's job, and the many mistakes that we have made and the many good things we've done.
I guess a stickler could say that every one of these elements I have mentioned have been affected in some way by whichever President was serving at the time. And I might even be able to agree with that to a certain extent.
I can honestly say however that I can't think of a single thing that has ever happened, because of a President, that has profoundly changed my life. Feel free to be appalled by this reasoning. I'm just telling it the way I see it.
Well that has been how I have seen things for most of my adult life. I have just recently started rethinking the "No Interest In Political Issues" attitude.
There is an issue that affects our political system that really does anger me.
It would be the Media.
I can't seem to get through the day without hearing, either on TV or while listening to the radio, that Obama is leading by ten points in this poll. Or that after "this" latest action, McCain is up in the polls by three points.
On the Today Show. On The View. On Fox News. On CNBC. It doesn't matter what source you are getting it from. They all have polls and they all seem to be insinuating that the contest is already as much as decided.
I hate that.
Yes, I happen to be one of those who is aware that most people in the News and Entertainment Industry are liberal thinking Democrats.
I'm also smart enough to have figured out by now that a large majority of people are "sheep". I'm not saying they are stupid,( although I'm also not saying they aren't) but I think too many people prefer to not have to think for themselves. I addressed this in my last post on gas prices. Most people seem to be more than willing to follow anything that employs some kind of gimmick.
Gimmicks aren't always limited to stupid Grocery Store or Radio Station promotions.
Here is how the Dictionary defines gimmick (I love my dictionary).
Gimmick: CONTRIVANCE, GADGET, An important feature that is not immediately apparent: A catch: A new and ingenious scheme.
I don't know about you but that definition sounds to me like a gimmick is more than an annoying marketing device. I think that these daily Presidential polls are nothing but gimmicks. It seems to be pretty much common knowledge that numbers can be skewed to show any result you want them to show.
That of course would include polls.
So if these current polls showing, at the moment, Obama ahead of McCain by quite a lot, I think it's reasonable to assume that they are being used, by the Media, to discredit McCain. There are probably also polls out there showing McCain pulling out in front.
Those are usually shown on FOX News.
Well who cares? Who is going to look at these Polls and think to themselves, "Hmm, it looks like the race has already been decided, what's the point of voting for my choice of candidate when it looks like he has already lost?
Who would think this way?
A LOT of people would think this way!
In recent years this has been shown to be true by the media announcing early polling results on election day. The more the polls show one candidate clearly coming in with the biggest numbers, the more the supposedly "losing" candidate is likely to lose votes. Votes he would have gotten without the interfering media. I'm pretty sure that "new rules" have been put in place to not allow early poll results to be shown, so as not to affect zones where voting has not yet finished.
This proves that people can quite easily be swayed by what they see and hear over the TV or radio.
I'm sure that is why there are so many new polls every day. This year's Election is being decided now. By the Media. It's looking more and more to me like there isn't much point in regular citizens voting on November 4th.
If the situation continues, I'm starting to feel that there really is no point to voting. Maybe we should just give each candidate a few months to court the media, and whoever can do the best job will be our new President. Chosen for us by TV reporters and Newscasters.
After all, aren't they the ones with the finger on the pulse of the Nation?
Yeah, I know.
That would be absolutely Outrageous!
What sane country would ever choose their leaders that way?
Ummm, America?
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
You are right on Susan.
I just voted today. The lines are already gettin long. I was shocked!
I hate the media.
You might like the system they have in Canada. Until the election is over, it's illegal (and punishable I believe) to broadcast ANY of the results.
I actually learned that back in high school and I've liked it ever since.
Great post, Sis!
It sounds like Canada's elections / media rules may be the one thing I WOULD want to import... (they can keep their socialized healthcare)
I voted today too. I want to show the media that they are wrong. But, I have to vote because I can't let those that died for that right to have died in vain. It means everything to me to voice. I don't even trust the media anymore. I can only go by what I hold true.
i have been so disgusted by the media lately... more than anything because they (liberal reporters/anchors) seem to be plain angry. my question is why are they angry??? their guy seems to be winning by a landslide...
i wonder if they are really angry because the "polls" aren't exactly as they are portraying them to be??? skew, you say??? hmmm, i wonder???
Susan, I can see all of your points, but most of all I liked when you discussed your early married years. Perhaps because I feel like they'll never end for me, I love hearing about other peoples early years. I love hearing success stories after years of struggling...I guess you could say it's inspiring. It's good to know that millions of other people have been where I am, and that life moves on to other phases. So thanks for sharing!
Susan, again you provide a wonderful point of view. Let me tell you even in Oz, we get daily updates from the media on what is happening in the US with the elections, and I have a minimal interest because thats where I grew up and it affects people I love. But let me tell you its no different here.
I am Mrs Average, but our government (well out current Prime Minister), won the last election because he was - in it for the working family - Yeah right. I would consider myself in that category - well Mr Prime Minister doesnt, any tax cuts, incentives etc etc dont ever come our way. We both work we have a mortgage and three children, but whenever anything is announced for "working families" we never fall in the category - we are always over the income threshold, I dont know how, but we are. We live month to month, we dont save anything - we just cant, we dont have any credit card debt, we own our cars, but we are not considered the average working family - that I dont get.
So Mr Prime Minister has announced recently that due to the current global crisis he is giving everyone a one off payment of $3000 per child on the 8th November, this is to help the economy over the Christmas period to keep people spending and to help them with any debt - Guess what - WE DONT GET IT............AGAIN....
The other thing that was brought in (after I struggled and stayed home and lived on a shoestring), is a new baby bonus - this is another one off payment to help with the costs of a newborn - its now at about $5000 per baby, well I was home for 20 years and didnt work and yep you guessed it - I didnt get any of it because they brought it in after I had my children.
So do you think I should send the government a bill for all the one off bonuses that have been handed out after I had already done what was required to receive it - hmmmm interesting.........
So, I just keep going on doing what I do.......
The thing that really upsets me is that I have a friend who has 5 kids, who gets everything because they have their own business and a really creative Accountant.
They have a beautiful home which is probably worth $1.3 million, they own two really nice apartments that would be worth about $800,000 each and a holiday house at the beach which would be worth $650,000 - AND THEY GET EVERYTHING..........
I have my house, no investments properties, nothing else and I dont get anything - the system stinks I think!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again for a great post.
P.S. I emailed
I love that we all have the right to free speech and the right to vote. Thanks for exercising your right.
I like to watch the game show network. A healthy dose of Match Game and Press Your luck with nothing but hearing aide commercials for me baby!
I think way too many individuals, me included, don't actively search for information regarding candidate choices. It takes some research and study to truly understand where each is coming from. The result is that media has a overwhelming influence, unfortunatly.
I am so sick of the media. I have basically stopped watching the news altogether. I do my research, and I cast my ballot a few days ago. Honestly, I just can't wait for this whole thing to be over. I hope my guy wins, but I don't think the world is going to end if he doesn't.
Yes, only 2 more weeks to go and the madness will be over. I still feel resentment towards you guys for selling my orange house.
The difference in the election this year is you have a radically left candidate, who if he wins will be joined by Reid and Pelosi, two other far left leaders. There is the possibility of a Dem super majority, and that hasn't been seen since the 30's. That is what has me worried. I read a great book about the depression, and how we stayed in it WAY longer than we should have.
The reason why was because government had their hands in everything. Whether it be killing livestock off (even though people were going hungry) to try and raise the price of beef, to doing everything they could to try and put small businesses that wouldn't "play ball" with FDR and his cronies out of business. The story about the government sueing the Schechter brothers because their chicken price was lower than the price the govt tried to set it at is very interesting.
But you are right. Most things we won't notice. But like I said, something in my gut tells me that won't be the case this time. I hope my gut is wrong, but I doubt it.
Good post mom. Glad that I could help you out by telling you the names of the major sporting events.
Susan, I tagged you on my blog, I'm really interested to see your answers!
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