I noticed something the other day that I had to laugh at.
Do you watch What Not To Wear???
I'm betting probably.
Well, you know how some of the first wardrobe items that Stacy and Clinton get rid of are all of the person's T-shirts.
Especially if they are adorned with witty, clever or annoying sayings.
Or pictures.
And don't EVEN think about trying to keep any band T-shirts,
or even worse,
any promotional ones.
Well if you look real close at the end of the show, just guess what you will find.
That's right.
At the bottom of the screen, in, so small you have to pause it to really get a good look, letters,
they are telling you how to get your OWN
What THE?????
Susan you don't miss a thing.
Why don't you email the show and ask Stacy and Clinton to model the t-shirts?
HA! That's a good one!!! I'll have to check that out. What would really be great is if they do a makeover on someone that actually HAS one. HA ha HA!
gotta love it, huh:P
dani xxx
That's hilarious, you're one perceptive gal.
Your kidding! I wonder what Stacey and Clinton would say if they were rummaging through someones closet and came across one...lol...
how very ironic!
A x
good catch susan! very funny. good show, too.
Susan, so funny! I love this show, although, we've had some trouble getting it since we moved to montreal. Our cable box doesn't seem to pick it up. But we've lucked out on occassions - as I used to be an every week and rerun junkie. The whole thing about getting you to buy a t-shirt - and them preaching about t-shirts is hilarious and I think you should write Clinton and Stacey about it! It's been awhile since I've seen you around, I hope you got my invitation to my private blog and my new url address - if not here is my public blog: http://ahappyheartblog.blogspot.com and I'll send you a link to my private - just in case you missed my announcements about it. Take care and hope life is finding you well :)
OK that IS funny! I often try to read the small type during commercials and such...you can find out some pretty cool info that way!
I'm sorry to tell the hosts but I see nothing wrong with taking your dog out to poop in sweats and a t-shirt from high school!
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