My son Donald on his blog pointed out that he had a bit of writers' block, thus explaining his failure to post frequent blogs. I don't think I will ever have this problem. I can think of so many things to write about that I could do three blogs a day and still not run out of ideas.
However, since I am humble enough to realize that no one would read this plethora of bloggage I will try to keep my musings to a managable amount.
In our neighboring city of Richland there is a nice little park by the Federal Building slash Post Office. Now as I said it is a pleasant little park with benches, trees, grass, flowers, various park type wildlife and occasional people. Usually business type people on what I assume to be lunch breaks. I enjoy driving by this park whenever I have occasion to be in Richland and on GW Way {the street that runs by said park}.
Several months ago I noticed this quaint little yellow old-fashioned trailor was set up alongside the park with a sign announcing it was a fish and chips stand.
I was intrigued. First of all the only thing like that I've ever seen in the Tri-Cities are taco trucks. I have nothing against taco trucks and there was probably a time when they also seemed exotic. But my point is you seen one taco truck you seen them all.
I was facinated by this new fish and chips vendor though because it was so different and because I love fish and chips and because I really like things that are out of the norm.
Well imagine my dismay when I should happen upon an article in the paper the other day saying that the bossy, bossy, bossy City of Richland whom apparantly had already given the guy a contract and had been happily taking his money has now decided that his being there is probably illegal and they will have to study the problem and come up with REGULATIONS.
I am absolutely outraged by this!!! The article pointed out how popular his little fish and chip establishment is and how the park is seeing more use than it ever has because of him, but is that good enough for the City of Richland??? It is not. I hope this will all be resolved and that he will be allowed to stay where he is. I have even thought about writing a strongly worded letter to the editor. I'm just afraid it wouldn't carry much weight since I live in the slightly more rational City of Kennewick.
Now the next thing I am thinking about is my Driver's License that expires in June. I recieved a notice in the mail yesterday that I can now renew my license on line.
I thought this would be great. But then I started thinking of the drawbacks.
The biggest problem that I can see is that we have been in our new house for almost three years now and all that time I have had to make do with my new address written on the back of my current license. THIS IS REALLY ANNOYING.
Now for the good points.
Obviously anything that stops me from having to actually go into the DMV is a good thing.
Also I like the picture on my current license, {at least as much as a very chubby 50 year old woman can like a picture of herself}. and it would be nice to spend a few minutes on the internet and be over and done with it.
Quite a dilemma right? Well i have about a month to decide what to do so I gues I will just have to give it more thought.
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
I'm pretty sure you can change your address while doing the online renewal... Which would relieve your dilemma!
Oh wow, and not only do I always have (sometimes annoying) music in my head, but I also like fish and chips, AND trying new things that are out of the norm!
See...I knew that you would keep me entertained!!! Keep the blogs coming Susan....I love reading all your thoughts!
Gee Mike we have so much in common we must be related somehow. I bet if we looked into it we would find a common ancestor somewhere.
Love Susan
Oh Mike, thanks for pointing out to me the blazingly obvious solution to my new address with the renewal thing online. I can't believe that didn't occur to me!
Love Su
Oh yes, yet another reason to not like Richland that much. You do know why all the trees in Kennewick are tilted to the west right? It is because Richland sucks. And that guy has mighty fine fish in chips if I do say so myself. And I do.
~The Donald
That was so cute.
Now, speaking of Taco Trucks. Since moving, I have yet to find one in Texas, Indiana, or here in Missouri and only one person I've spoken with knows what they are. But I ran into him in Indiana, and he's from Spokane, so that explains that.
Also, drivers licenses. I've made an executive decision, even though I'm moving in a few short weeks, I'm not changing my licenses' address until I'm 21 (In August), so I can have a cool NEW license that says I'm 21 and doesn't bombard my license with "Under 21 until 08/01/2008", because thats just annoying. =)
All that being said, have a good day, I enjoy your blog.
Taco trucks, yuck yuck yuck lol. I still find it amusing that Taco trucks are primarily on the west coast.
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