I was thinking the other day and it occured to me how many different prescription drugs there are. Not just the name brands but also all the generics.
Of course that led me to wondering where on earth do they make all these drugs? Are there plants here in our country that manufacture them? Are they mostly made in other countries and if so then how does the FDA monitor them.
Also, I do know that there are the really big names that are resposible for most prescription Meds {hereafter refered to as PM} but do they have only a few plants where they make all of their PMs or do they have several different ones for different meds.
If they are all made in just a few big plants then how do they schedule what PM gets made when. And I would really like to know how they go about preparing the equipment to go from making anti-depressents to the latest heart PM. Do you think it could ever happen that a little bit of Plazix could contaminate a new batch of say Viagra?
I guess one could just go crazy thinking about such things. Of course if any of my readers {assuming that I have readers of course} knows any answers to these weighty questions let me know.
Well another thing that I think about more often than I should really admit to, is how many silver cars there are today.
Silver you say? I don't think there are so many silver cars. Well my answer to that is that the next time you go out anywhere make a conscious effort to notice silver cars. I bet you will find that you can't go more than two blocks without seeing at least one silver car probably more like two or three. I really don't know when silver became such a popular color for cars, but it sure has taken off.
Now to get really weird! I first noticed this thing with silver cars about five, six months ago. And as sometimes happens with me, I became a little obsessed with noticing silver cars . Not counting them, mind you, just noticing them. It got to where I couldn't go anywhere without being aware of silver cars. It actually started to get on my nerves. Talking to my Husband, oh,
there goes two silver cars. Talking to my daughter while taking her to work, oh, look at that, three silver cars a white car and another silver car. You see what I mean?
I realized I had to stop it. I'm not sure exactly how I did stop it from happening other than just making myself not think about it. Now I can say I am fairly free of silver car noticing, but still every once in awhile when I'm unhappy or really stressed I will let myself notice a few silver cars and amazingly enough it helps to calm me down.
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
Yes Mike or anyone else who might feel a little sticklerish I do realize that it is Plavix not Plazix.
Have a nice day
Well, "Random Thoughts" was the appropriate title here!
I have no answer to all of your drug creating questions. Too bad Mr. Rogers isn't alive, I could have seen him doing a segment on where medicine is made. He was always going to random factories and showing us how random things were created.
About silver cars: just a few days ago I walked out of a store and saw several silver cars together in the parking lot. I thought to myself "there sure are a lot of silver cars these days". And here you are blogging about it...now that's random!
You know that episode of the Office when Ryan sets up a blog for Creed? Just thinking out loud.
Susan, I really love the way your brain works. I have weird, random thoughts like that all the time, and I want to find the answers...NOW! Otherwise I won't be able to stop thinking about them.
By the way, one of our cars is blue, but the other one is...you guessed it...silver!
My favorite car of all time was silver. Of course that would be my 1990 Ford Probe GT Turbo. What a great fast car. I still can't believe I never got a ticket in that baby. And I moved Lisa here with that car. I should have kept it. Oh Well.
Driving down the road today, going to work, because of you every time I saw a silver car I started laughing. I'd like to blame that on you. =)
Su, I think you overestimate my knowledge of prescription drugs... I figured Plazix was some new designer variant of Plavix or something. And I actually remember reading somewhere a few months ago, that silver was the most popular car color, replacing some other color that had been popular for a long time.
For the record, at the Brinkerhoff house, we have a Red car, and a Pewter car. That's like a grey. It's definitely not a silver.
Oh Mike, Mike, Mike. So young. So foolish. Pewter is Silver. In fact I saw your car in the picture on your blog about the dirty
@#%**#@ who violated you and it is definitely Silver in my book. Just like there are so many shades of blue cars there is a pretty wide spectrum of silver cars.
But it's okay by me for you to deny the silverness of your pewter car.
Love Su
lol....pewter vs silver....I think I am with Susan on this one. Unless it was a dark grey...that I would call grey. But light grey, or "pewter", I would definately catagorize with silver.
You don't see the car you own until you buy it either. Do you know how many black jeeps there are out there?!
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