Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tearing my hair out over here!

I am so pissed off at stupid right now I just may quit this blogging thing all together.
Late yesterday I tried to change someone's address on my blog list to show her new blog.
I added her and hit save. That worked. Then as I always do I went to change the name.
You may have noticed that I list my friend's blogs by their names instead of the name of their blogs.
So I write in the name change and hit save.
It just froze and wouldn't do anything. Alright I thought. I'll just do hers over again.
Well guess what happened?????
The entire list was GONE!
As in obliterated, destroyed, vacant, nothing but one big fat VOID!!!!
I was so mad,
no, not just mad,
no, not just furious,
I was so
I actually whispered the F word.

That's right!

I know, I know, SHAME ON ME!

Well I took off to go to Costco with Don and our boys.
As soon as I got home I came upstairs to try again.

I had to start all over from scratch.

Good thing I got so many comments on my post yesterday. I didn't have to go searching.
I add the first blog and change it's name. It worked! Hooray!
Blog and changed name, number two.
No troubles.
Blog number three, number four, numbers five, six, seven, eight.

I'm really working up a head of victorious steam here.
I'm feeling good to have so much of my blog list back intact.


I go for number nine. Don't worry I won't say whose blog it was, I realize that it had nothing to do with it.
Blog accepted.
Change name.
Delete name of blog.
Put in person's name.

FREEZE UP!?!?!!!

Oh no. Watch out for that F word. And maybe not even quite so whispered this time.
(It was pretty safe though, Kelly was the only one around and he is certainly no stranger to dropping the dreaded F-Bomb.)

I pulled myself together. I started all over AGAIN.

Same old S _ _ T . AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
Three more times.
Same thing each and every freakin time.

Need I point out that I was more or less a blubbering idiot by now.

So now here we come to this morning. It's a new and surprisingly sunny day. I am woken up by a phone call.
It's 7:45.
I should point out that due to a bad night's sleep I wasn't really ready to wake up.
Oh well. That's okay. I can wake up now I guess.

What do I do next?

If you guessed turn on the TV and finish waking up to the Today Show, you would be almost right. Because that's exactly what I almost did.
Then it occurred to me that hopefully the stupid problem I had had yesterday with getting Blogger's cooperation in redoing my deserted blog list must surely be fixed by now.

Foolish ME!

I came upstairs.
I favorite list my blog.
At first I'm even a little hopeful that the blog list will actually be there in it's entirety and it will all turn out to have been a really bad dream.

Uh huh, right.

Of course it wasn't there.

I diligently plodded on. One name, check, two names, check, three, four, five, six, seven.
Whoo Hoo, I'm on a roll here!

I forget to knock on wood.

And here it comes, from out of nowhere, the big FREEZE!!!!!

Instant anger and frustration.
From happy to F word (whispered again this time) in zero point eight seconds.

Well I am here now to admit defeat.

I am overcome. I know when I have been bested. I realize that I was foolish to even try.

I wave my little white flag.

And suddenly realize that there is something that I can do.
I mean is this a blog or what?
I stay right where I am seated and start to write.
As is usual for me, my three or four sentence explanation of what happened has turned into a few hundred sentences instead.

I'm sorry for that.

At this present time I am seriously tempted to just pull the plug on my beloved blog.
I doubt I will.
I actually think that having a blog is somewhat therapeutic.

Plus it's the closest I'll ever come to a written journal.

But for today, at least, I am totally defeated. I wish you all a fond adieu and promise to still read your blogs.

The end.

For now at least.
Don't worry, my brother Mike is on vacation but he can fix anything computer related so maybe there still is hope for me.


Lisa Christine said...

I will say this, you are never afraid to write what you think :)

Shame on blogger for having the nerve to freeze up not one....not two...but three times. Unacceptable. I would be tempted to pull the plug on it too.

Josephine said...

How frustrating!! I hope it wasn't my blog name that caused you to freeze up every time...! Don't give up blogging though!!!!!

Amanda said...

Hey, there is nothing wrong with saying the eff word!!! I do most days...
Amanda x

Blogger said...

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Jennybell said...

my Facebook has been going nuts! I hate it! Sometimes computers make life harder!

Jennybell said...

Oh I should say, I've started saying "FARKLE" for the "F" word. It's a dice game on Facebook :)

Jen A. said...

Potty mouth! lol

Heidi D said...

Poor Mom. :(

Bad Blogger. >:(

dani said...

i really hope you continue to blog, suz... i would REALLY miss you:(
btw, i think saying the f word is therapeutic:P
much love,
dani xxx

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

oops... I got back from vacation, and have worked like crazy to get caught up, and only now read this, after reading above that it's already working again... Guess I'll go read about that now.

Jeanette said...

frustrating. Glad you speak your mind. :)