Monday, June 1, 2009

Proof that at one time there really was help for her

Okay, I finally have something to post about. I will file it under the category of


Shawn is upstairs watching this Disney-made for TV movie called Life Sized.

It stars Lindsay Lohan when she was still young, cute and actually likeable.

I can't believe what her character just said to her fashion doll come to life played by Tyra Banks.

She, very firmly, looks at "Eve" (that would be Tyra's Character) and in all seriousness she says to her, and I quote. . . .

"Eve, it doesn't matter if you're gorgeous, that doesn't give you the right to walk all over people and act like they don't matter!"

Yes, you read right my friends. I may not have gotten every word verbatim but I think you get the idea.

I think

as punishment

for all of her sick, stupid, big-headed, slutty and just plain idiotic behavior,

she should be locked into a chair with her eyes forced open and be made to watch her sweet young self repeat those words for at least ten hours a day for a good week.

Sadly though,

I think Miss Lohan is beyond help.

Oh well,

I tried.


Lisa Christine said...

ha! She said that?! Oh, how I wish she WAS forced to watch that again.

It's always said to see a child-star grow up and become a wild mess.

Lisa Christine said...

ps....welcome back :)

you've been missed!

Jennybell said...

She seems to have settled down lately.
Have you seen her mother's reality show? I saw 1 episode and I can completely understand why she has so many issues.
I saw that movie on and couldn't believe how young both Lindsey and Tyra looked.

Lisa Christine said...

My blog is going through a make-over in the next days/weeks (professional make-over!). Things will be changing here and there, but in the end order will be restored. (no worries!)


Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Wow, Susan has a blog?? :)

I always feel a little sad watching Lindsay when she was adorable, likable, and not a complete mess. In Life Size, and her Parent Trap remake, she showed SO much promise.

Oh well... Just another in a long line of promising child stars...

Alicia said...

Poor poor Lindsay...isn't she just misunderstood? I'm sure she never meant to hurt anybody. She's just trying to be a good role model!

I love your idea of making her watch herself over and over. It seems fitting.

libbie said...

Ha Ha! My kids watch this movie all the time! Yah, Lindsay Lohan has fallen off the deep end. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered how most actors don't learn from their work, some do, Kirk Cameron, Charlton Heston, etc. but most of them just repeat their parts so mechanically that I think they forget to learn the meaning behind what they say (especially if what they say would be for their own good).

I guess if they would look at everything they say in movies they would probably be embarassed, considering the amount of bad language and put-downs found in most movies nowadays.

But yes, I agree with you, Lindsay Lohan should watch that scene over and over to learn from it :)

Mandi said...

So glad your back, and in true form your post was fabulous!!! I think it is really sad/bad/pathetic what happens to these kids after a little while in the industry. I dont know if its just my perception but the girls seem so much worse than the boys, or do we just see more of them because it makes better gossip to photograph a young girl who is tanked as opposed to a boy, is this expected from the boys so its not newsworthy????

You are always thought provoking!!! thank you.

P.s. I sold my house - YEAH!!!

KaTrina said...

Welcome back!

It is really hard to see how sweet she once was. It's too bad really.

Heidi D said...

Sad. Just sad.

Amanda said...

She is a train wreck ~ it's sad really. But i can't help reading all those headlines about her though..
Nice to have you back blogging ~ missed you!

dani said...

yay, you're back with us:D
poor lindsay lohan never had a chance, imo; her parents are to blame for that!!! actually, i should say her lack of parents:(
unfortunately, i don't think she even has the capacity to understand the words she once spoke to "eve":/

much love,
dani xxx

Jeanette said...

Welcome back!

I have watched that movie many times with my girls. She had real promise.

Hopefully, Lindsey will make a turnaround like Drew Baremore.

Katie said...

THIS IS hysterical!!!!!!!

I couldn't agree more!

(I agree with Lisa that child stars become an adult mess!)