Thursday, January 14, 2010

The BOY is back

Apparently, my son Donald has decided to return to the world of Blog. I took his blog off my sidebar because he had more or less decided to stop blogging. In favor of Facebook.

I honestly don't get Facebook.

I've seen it, I just don't see the appeal.

Please, no hate mail.

I'm not saying it's stupid or a waste of time. I'm simply pointing out that I have NO interest in it.

Anyway, this short little post is being done to let my friends know that my son has started utilizing his blog again. He is, for the most part, even wordier than me. But quite enjoyable never the less.

So if you have never seen his blog you should go check him out. Maybe if her gets enough attention he'll decide that his blog is worth it after all.

Here is the link.

Thank you and goodbye for now.


Jen A. said...

So in other words~ in Davids absence we can tune into Donald.

Lisa Christine said...

ha! JenW stole my comment. I was going to say that he can be the new David!

Jennybell said...

I like Facebook way more than MySpace. My husband said "Is Facebook a less vain Myspace?" and it is. I would think you'd like it. You've obviously never started a farm on any of the various farming applications. Don't ask me what it is, but the first one is addictive. They you wisen up. I'm currently addicted to Mafia Wars. I make $22,000,000 every hour. I wish that was real life!

Josephine said...

Well I'm glad - his posts make me giggle :)
And just so you know, I LOVE facebook! But then, I live about 4,000 miles from my family and everyone I grew up with, so it's nice to have an easy connection with them all and be able to see what's going on in their lives. Thanks to facebook, I am now in touch with friends I hadn't seen since I was 10! And, it's also pretty handy for all my local friends too - I can invite everyone over for a movie night without having to pick up the phone, and I hate the phone :)
So if you ever change your mind about facebook, look me up :)

The Donald said...

Thanks for the heads up mom. While I only plan on posting 2-3 times a week, I will gladly take David's old readers. For the most part they are a good bunch.

Oh and I am BIG in Mafia Wars Jenny Bell! Look for me on FB, we can join forces!

Jeanette said...

I facebook sometimes. I prefer blogs where you get a larger sense of a person rather than a 10 word update...I'm glad you blog.

David said...

i don't get facebook either.

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Facebook is awesome. I reconnected with old friends, cousins and even Aunts and Uncles. You should totally try it Sue..
Glad Donald is blogging again.

dani said...

i'm thrilled "thedonald" is back among us!
d xxx