Monday, March 21, 2011

Next Stop Carnegie Hall

I have GOT to share this!

These are my two grandaughters Alexandra and Lorelai.

They are incredibly musically talented, but even I was blown away when I saw this on my daughter in law's blog.
Now I have been lucky enough to be the special guest at many of their little spontaneous concerts.
Lex plays the violin, (she's somewhat of a prodigy like her mama) and Miss Lori has been playing the piano for less than two years and at six years old is already in a quite advanced book that kids several years older have trouble with.

The bells were a Christmas present for their sister my youngest grandaughter Elisabeth, who as most of you know is profoundly mentally retarded even though she is a complete joy to all who know her.

So without further adieu, this proud Grandmother presents two of her darling talented little grandbabies!

P.S. I don't know how many remember me pointing this out before but my little Lorelai is the spitting image of that cute little Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame.
Okay, enough grandma bragging for one day.



NormalToEatPB said...

I'm glad you encourage their artistic side :)

dswillis said...

I love this video.

Kristen said...

I just got done showing Mike the video over on Lisa's blog. Those girls blow my mind away.

Lisa Christine said...

Am I allowed to oooh and ahhh?? Or is that off limits seeing as they are my own children and that might be a bit obnoxious??

Oh well, I choose to oooh and ahhh.


And Bravo!!!! Bravo!!!! Encore!!!!

SuzanSayz said...

Lisa, of course you can ooohhh and aaahhhhhhhh! It is not only acceptable it is expected. Three Cheers for proud mamas and proud grandmas!!!

dani said...

love it:)
d xxx

Abbey D said...

lori looks so bord!