You know, I read a lot of other people's blogs. For a while I didn't leave comments (even though I wanted to) because I felt like I was out of the loop, and that no one would know who I was. Well my darling Lisa gave me the confidence to start commenting. In fact she basically told me, " If you want people to comment on your blog you have to comment on theirs."
That was a light bulb moment for me.
So now I comment like crazy, well maybe just mildly deranged. I just read my cousin -in- law Debie Spurgeon's blog, talking about how much she enjoys blogging. I left her a nice hefty comment (of course).
And then I started thinking.
I love blogging! I never realized that I had so many thoughts and ideas inside of me that were just looking for an outlet
I loved writing about each of my children. And sometimes, writing even more about each of my children.
I love that there was an editorial in the paper yesterday about the fish and chip stand on George Washington way in Richland, and that I saw it and could think to myself "yep, I blogged about that already."
I love that I am getting in touch with family members that I usually only see at the yearly family Christmas party, or when I'm at Walmart.
I loved reading about Tami and her two little grandsons (the Ruby Street Gang) having to take care of a poor crazy robin since Leon has become such a pacifist.
I love finding out how much my cousin Marilyn loves music and listening to some songs I've never heard before by artists I've never heard of.
I loved reading that my cousin Amy J, loves books as much as I do and loves to shop for them at goodwill like I do and never liked her middle name growing up.
I love finding out that my cousin Mitch loves Halloween so much and seeing the hilarious pictures of him in his incredible costumes.
I love that I am kind of getting to know people like Jan. Someone I'm not related to but who knows several of my cousins much better than I do. And finding out that she hated High School and reading her fun happy blogs.
And one of the things that really chokes me up is how many people have taken an interest in my sweet little Elisabeth Elva.
It's really nice that people that haven't really known our family very well have taken this little angel into their hearts the way they have. I know it means so much to Donald and Lisa.
I love that my little brother Mike writes such a great blog and that he and I are communicating more than we have in years.
I have gotten adventurous and even left comments on one of Donald's guy friends blogs and one on a girl he went to school with because her dear little daughter had such sweet little thoughts about Elisabeth.
It's funny that I am doing something like a blog because I am not very tech savvy. If you have noticed that I never have pictures, it's because I don't know how to do them. Donald and Lisa both assure me that it is the easiest thing in the world to do. And one of these days when they aren't busy going on vacation to California or taking Elisabeth to the neurologist in Spokane, I'm sure they will show me how to do it. And then watch out. I will have pictures galore. Also if you notice I never have links, well same thing.
I don't know how.
I am really intrigued that people have give-a ways. How cool. I wouldn't have any idea how to do something that complicated, but I am a pretty fast learner.
So maybe someday.
Another thing that Debie pointed out on her blog and that I have seen mentioned on various others is the idea of binding all of your blogs into a hard covered book. I think that is such a great idea. I immediately thought about if my Grandma Brinkerhoff or Grandma Mathews had something like that. Or even cooler, (since I knew both of my grandmas very well) To have one from my Great Grandmas.
Well I guess I have waxed poetic on the wonders of blogs long enough. Thanks Debie for making me think about it. And for giving such a great topic for a post. And she is such a generous and kind person that I know she won't even think, Hello Plagiarism.
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
Blogging really is a great outlet. I've got well over 200 blogs and I whenever I read them I can remember exactly what was going through my head when I wrote them.
People seem to like them too so that's a plus.
What an interesting post, Su! Just a week or so ago, I was talking to Cindy about this very topic - right down to the fact that various members of our family that normally only see each other, or talk, at holiday events and the like, are in regular communication, getting closer than ever!
I love that through the blogosphere, you and I had a long, thoroughly enjoyable phone conversation the other day! It was easy to have, since we already had so many shared experiences and shared info/knowledge through each others blogs, and those others that we read regularly.
I originally started our family's blog as just a way to let friends and family know what we were up to. But over the nearly two years since it started, it's morphed into more of an outlet for the things that make me, me.
And, I have really developed a love for writing through this! My hope / goal is that at least half of the time I write well enough to inspire, amuse, or otherwise connect with whoever may be reading. And every comment that comes in is an exciting event - they're automatically emailed to both Cindy and me, and then WE talk about them too...
Viva la Blogging!
"If you copy from one person it's plagiarism, if you copy from two people, it's research." 97.1 Rock
Just be sure to take two peoples ideas :)
What a lovely post. Once you start, you can't stop. I am glad that you post comments. It helps to know you and your points of view of the subjects at hand. I know that read alot of the comments on others post too. Its amazing how wonderful people are. If you a cousin and relatives of the Mathew clan, then your a friend of mine. Debie and I are neighbors and Loren is my neighbor too.
Thanks for telling me about Elisabeth. I put that song up just for her today. About giving my friend to the Lord. We feel helpless, but with his help, all is possible. Thanks..
I've loved reading your blog Susan. I love the opportunity that I have to keep up and socialize in a way every day. Life gets busy, but I feel connected when I can read blogs for just a few minutes.
Keep up the great work!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love it when people leave comments because it makes this big world seem small. I enjoyed your post.
I began blogging with Jan through Debie. We were friends in college. Small world. :)
Also, as a tip, you'll know you've made it when somebody shouts "First!" if they make the first comment.
Actually Kelly, I think you've REALLY made it when someone shouts "FIRST!" and it shows up as the 3rd or 4th comment because there was such a commenting frenzy going on! :)
Susan.....I am so happy that you are a blogger!! I am sorry that I have fallen behind on your posts. But it's been a tad bit crazy lately. I am going to see if I can sneak back into the computer room here at the hospital later and catch up!
I love this post. It really is amazing how you get to know people better and meet new people that you never knew before.
I have thought about printing off my blogs and putting then in a binder. Basically it's like my journal. A very PUBLIC journal!
See you tomorrow for dinner! ( I hope) They said they will discharge Elisabeth tomorrow, let's hope they don't change their minds :)
Susan, even though I don't make it here to your blog often enough, when I do, I love to read your thoughts. I love the way you write. I need to take some time and catch up with all of your posts, because I truly love to read your words.
Keep on bloggin, cousin.
twelfth! ...Twelfth is such an oddly spelt word.
I'd also like to point out something you said in your blog:
"I am really intrigued that people have give-a ways. How cool. I wouldn't have any idea how to do something that complicated, but I am a pretty fast learner."
Tehehe. You are a fast learner! You've already had quite a few give-a-ways yourself!
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