Sunday, February 6, 2011

Next time I'll just change the channel

This will be short and sweet. Well maybe not sweet. It is a bit of a rant after all.
Here Goes;
If I have to listen to one more moron on HGTV go on about his great need for a


I swear I will . . . . .

Oh hell, I probably won't really do anything. I am a grown up after all and, "I swear I will, blank blank blank blank. . ."
is really just a lame empty promise.
It just really makes me crazy to hear that imbecilic phrase.



Can anything be more stupid.

Just when you think this world is finally starting to understand that women are every bit as worthy as men, some idiot (I would love to know, just who, came up with the idea of a Man Cave in the first place) decides that poor, under served, put upon, discriminated against,
need a place where they can go to let off steam. Where they can have all of their friends over and watch sports and be as foul and obnoxious as they want with NO WOMEN ALLOWED!

Of course the true MAN CAVE can't be some small little nook. Heaven forbid if he can't stretch out and take up an entire floor with all of his stuff.
Never once do I hear a woman on any of these shows demand anything more than maybe an office. And that is generally one that she will share with her husband.
And don't you dare say that;

"A woman has her KITCHEN".

That is right up there with giving her a vacuum cleaner for Valentines Day.

Please don't misunderstand me.
I don't hate men. I love men. I'm married to one. I gave birth to three of them. In fact I am very proud of the fact that my only married son is a wonderful husband and father who is as "hands on" as he could possibly be. He treats his wife like the treasured Queen, that she truly is.

Just don't expect me to sympathize with those ego consumed men, who for whatever reason think that they and only they should have an entire downstairs family room devoted only to them.

Trust me guys. Women have just as much need for a place to unwind and unload at the end of a long day. Or week. So if you have been led to believe that you have some inalienable right to a room set aside just for you. That your needs and the pressures of life simply can't be dealt with without a place all your own, then go ahead and do it.

Right after you have first provided the same kind of room for the woman in your life!


Stephanie said...

You have me laughing. You and I are married to gems and they would never dream of having a "mancave".
My Dave would always put me first.
What lucky ladies we are.

Alicia said...

I wish there was room in our apartment to give Daniel a man cave. That would at least get his two computers out of our living room!

NormalToEatPB said...

I have to say I wouldn't mind a man cave for my husband, granted, it would be more cage-like, but you know - same difference :)

David said...

susan i watch hgtv all the time and i've never heard of a man cave. how have i missed this?

SuzanSayz said...

David, you must not be paying attention, or, not watching the House Hunting type shows. I bet though that now that it's been pointed out to you that you will start hearing it constantly.

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Thanks Su, I now feel even better about the fact that I NEVER watch HGTV.

Anonymous said...

I agree! But there is a new show on DIY that is just as annoying about multipurpose rooms. The TV host wears chains and studs and says things like, "Radical DUDE!" It's more annoying because it's a female. It makes me wonder who they are pitching these shows to and what their target audience is.


Lisa Christine said...

I still can't believe that David never heard the term 'man cave'. He is, after all, a very devoted fan to House Hunters.

Thank you, Susan, for raising Donald not to be the 'man cave' type. :)

Lisa said...

Ha Ha. We had a man cave. Right until the basement was finished. Then it became His and Hers offices. =) We EACH need our space!

Jen A. said...

but perhaps I would like a cave to stick a man in. Maybe that is not quite the same thing :)

Corey in AK said...

I'm a little late to this party (what's new?) but I couldn't agree with you more Susan. I absolutely cringe every time I hear that ridiculous phrase. And I am a fairly avid viewer of HGTV so, unfortunately, that phrase turns up a lot.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.

Haphazardkat said...

I have a Hello Kitty girl cave :)