Saturday, January 15, 2011

Two different kinds of winners

My mom died last night. I'm not sad as much as happy for her.
My father died three and a half years ago and she never managed to learn to enjoy life without him. They had become so completely welded together that I don't think either of them knew where one ended and the other began.

My father was as devoted a husband as I have ever seen, and I hope that now my mom will be able to forgive him for "going first".

I will miss my mom.

I feel that she played the "Game of Life" to the best of her abilities and at the end she Won.

Goodbye Mom, try not to be too hard on Dad if he's a little late meeting you due to some heavenly invention he's working on.

And on a completely different note. . . . .

I have a winner to my little "Leave me a comment Win a 20$ Target Gift card" contest/giveaway.

My sweet friend Jeanette Mortensen!

Congrats Jeanette. I was really excited that she turned up the winner.

Her husband has been a casualty of the bad economy and I know she's been struggling with the same problems my daughter and her husband Jeff have been dealing with for the last couple of years. So I couldn't be happier that she ended up the winner.
Jeanette, go out and get something nice just for you!

Well, to everyone else, this was fun and I don't think I'll wait for my 300th post to have another giveaway.


Jeanette said...

I am sorry to hear that you lost your Mom. I am sure her reunion with your father was long awaited and special. I hope it brings comfort knowing they are together. I always loved reading you posts about your day out with your Mom and your memories of your Dad. They sound like wonderful people that left a wonderful legacy. ♥

And-woohoo Lucky me!!! I promise I will spend it on ME and not the kids or the bills. I will let you know what I got with the card. Maybe even a post in my blog with pictures! Thanks Susan.

Kristen said...

It was sweet to read about how close your parents were. Ah, that's beautiful! The thought of their reunion in Heaven makes me smile.

SuzanSayz said...

You are more than welcom Jeanette! I love the idea of you letting everyone in on what you get for yourself. I know it's only 20 bucks but I hope you can get something wonderful!

dswillis said...

Love this post. In this day it is nice to know that true love lives on. God bless your Mother and your family.

Congratulations, Jeanette. Susan's love for other's shines through with her generousity.

tharker said...

This was a beautiful image that you just painted in my mind. Your mother and your father being reunited...just makes me smile.

Thinking of you and your sweet family.

Oh, and congrats to Jeanette!!

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, but am happy for your mom. It's always welcome to have someone's suffering stop.

Congrats, jeanette!