Friday, January 7, 2011

Has it really been that long

I'm back.

I think.

I'm not going to make any grand claims. Claims that I may later regret and start to resent myself for letting my mouth write checks that my brain (and fingers) don't want to cash.
But for now, let's just say for the sake of argument, that I am going to try jumping back into the Blogosphere that I used to enjoy so much.

Some of my friends may have noticed as of late that I have ventured on to FaceBook.

I didn't really do it to be more social.

It was more a matter of not having access to so many different sources of information. Everything these days, from the latest movies to toilet paper comparisons seems to have picked up stakes and moved over to FaceBook.

And the troubling thing about that is that if you aren't a part of Facebook you will be DENIED!

I hate being denied.

Plus, I knew that getting myself a Facebook account would make my kids (especially my oldest Donald) deliriously happy.

And boy did it ever.

So now I am a part of the ever growing and undeniably popular Facebook Crowd.
I don't know if I can handle so much coolness in one short lifetime.

In fact to make my leaping into the 21st Century even more inclusive, I would like to announce that after months of agonizing, debating and mental back and forthing, in early December I went into Target and bought myself a nice new 160 GB iPod. Classic.

None of that newfangled iPod touch for me.

I figured that with 160 GBs I would have plenty of room.

I didn't want to run out of room.

The fact that I have very little idea of how to actually set up and use the silly thing is hardly important.

So far I have had help from my sweet nephew Mitch, and my sons Kelly and Donald.
I think that I should have just stuck with Mitch.
Currently my iPod is a bit of a mismatched mess. With lots of songs on there more than once.
For example, if you push the Michael Buble button it shows something like 86 songs.

Wow. Michael Buble is certainly prolific, was my first thought.

As it turns out, there are actually maybe 12 songs all together. I guess Donald and Lisa just have several different albums of his loaded on their computer with a LOT of overlap.

Oh well. I'm not one to complain.

And I have high hopes that one day my iPod will actually be a nicely organized easy to use music source.

One day.

Probably after Mitch gets his license.

So that's it for me. For now. I don't know how many of my old blog buddies are still out there reading blogs these days. Even my DIL Lisa's audience seems to have shrunk a bit.
If you enjoy this,
slightly tentative,
little post of mine,
please don't be shy.
Leave me a nice comment.

If I get enough interest I might even have a little give-away.
After all I think this is either post number 198 or 199. And I had kinda figured it would be great fun to do something special for my 200th post.

Until then, maybe I'll see you (figuratively speaking of course) on Facebook.

P.S. My iPod Classic even came with a 25$ Target gift card.

p.s.s.oooooh a 25$ Target gift card, could that be some subtle foreshadowing


Em and Ms said...

Hi Susan. You're not alone in the blogging funk. It seems like a lot of people have cut down on the blogging, myself included. Life just gets too busy, but I don't want to lose it and I'm glad to see you back. I may not always comment, but I read. Now, back to the 5th or so post of the day for me, trying to catch up my blog!

Kristen said...

I have been wondering where you have been. And then when I "saw" you on facebook I was considering asking...but then your name moved up to the top of my blogroll...and it made me smile. :)

Welcome back.

SuzanSayz said...

Thank You Kristen and Emily

Josephine said...

I'm glad you're back! I hope you decide to stay.
I rather reluctantly jumped on the facebook train a couple of years ago, and have LOVED it since then! It's especially great for someone like me, thousands of miles away from my family and childhood friends....LOVE it!
I was also noticing that people don't seem to be blogging or blog-reading as much these days...weird.

dswillis said...

Welcome back, Susan. Facebook and an ipod wow!!!!!!!!!!You are way cooler and ahead of me. Great to have you back.

Marilyn said...

I'm so glad you're back! Hopefully Lisa told you that I was asking about your blog absence! I missed your *voice*!!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Well it's ABOUT TIME!!!

welcome back.

David said...

my ipod is 4GB and it's plenty for me!

i think lisa's audience is the same as ever, just less comments...

David said...

i think Facebook is probably some sort of government plot.

Alicia said...

I'm glad your back...even though I don't read blogs as quickly now as I did when I was working...

tharker said...

Yay!! I'm so glad you're back!

My iPod has A LOT of Michael Buble too ;)

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Hellllllooooo Sue!
Glad your back, gld your on F.B. couldn't help but laugh that by your 2-3rd status there was already controversy-HA! family ;p

Lisa said...

Welcome back. We, the blogging world, definitely seem to be in a funk. Is Facebook to blame!? Everyone sharing pictures on there now instead of on blogger? perhaps.

I love that they are calling technology that is what - 5 years old? - "classic".

dani said...

you not only made thedonald happy; you also put a big smile on my face when i received your friend request. i've missed you much and have contemplated giving you another phone call so that i could catch up with you!!!
much love,
d xxx