I have been really tempted to write about this before but was a little worried about offending people. But what I saw today has changed my mind and I'm going to have myself a little rant here.
I absolutely HATE those stupid roller shoes that parents buy for their children these days.
I have several good reasons to back up this discrimination.
#1. You take a perfectly nice, generally well behaved, kid.
You clap him (or her) into a pair of those abominations and what do you get?
I'll tell you what you get.
An instant little Hellion.
Who knew that a pair of shoes could instantly transform a nice enough kid into a little monster.
One who thinks that just because he now has the ability, to cut right in front of people, and even, sometimes, smash right into them, that he has every right to do just that.
This is most likely to happen if you have two of these little brats trying to chase each other.
I have yet to see a kid wearing a pair of these things, NOT trying to show off in them.
#2 Have you ever really considered the construction of those things?
Somewhere in the heel is a hard piece of, I assume, some kind of hard rubber. HARD. I don't know if bearings are involved but I'm pretty sure without them they wouldn't work.
Not my choice for a good supportive sole for a child's shoe.
The makers of these shoes realize that the kid wearing them will once in a while need to walk or (heaven forbid) even run in them. I would like to know how you can do either with a hard little wheel directly under your heel.
I think that is one reason why I've never seen a kid wearing them walk more than a few steps at a time in them.
Would you like walking or (again, heaven forbid) running, if every step you took your heel would come down on what I'm pretty sure must feel like a hard little rock.
And please, please, don't tell me that your children claim how comfortable they are.
Children LIE.
The year I was six I had a pair of shoes that were at least a size and a half too small for me. I refused to give them up. And every day when I got home from school, on they would go. My mean mom wouldn't ever let me wear them to school so, after school time was my only time I could wear them.
And you know what?
Those pretty, white, little, size and a half too small dress shoes, hurt like crazy.
Of course I would have run down my street naked, in front of every boy from miles around, before I would ever have admitted that to my mom.
So please don't believe your children when they claim how these are the most comfortable pair of shoes they have ever worn.
Look at it logically, how on earth could they be comfortable. They aren't made for comfort. They are made to appeal to a child! Children don't know what's good for themselves 90 percent of the time.
Why should it be any different when it comes to foot wear?
Hold on I still have more reasons.
#3 How much exercise does the normal child really get these days?
If a child is gliding, they aren't really walking are they? And of course they won't be running any time soon either. They have the mistaken belief that when wearing a pair of those stupid shoes that they need to glide as much as possible.
I see this as a really devious way to make sure that even when a kid isn't behind a computer or video game, he won't be using his legs in any discernible healthy way.
I'm assuming that most of you have seen the movie Wall E. Remember those electric carts that all the people rode around on.
They were probably plugged into them at birth.
The whole point of that was to show how they didn't use their bodies for much of anything.
I believe that a kid wearing these wheel shoes is taking a, glide, in that same direction.
Think about it.
Here the parents tell little Humphry to turn off the TV. They are going out for a nice healthy walk.
Sounds good doesn't it?
Especially since it's more than likely that for the last four hours the little dear has been on his butt in front of a video game.
After much complaining and no doubt a few theatrics, the kid is dragged outside for his walk. And how does he spend that healthy time with good old mom and dad?
Does he move those little legs?
Does he take step after step after step?
Does he even decide to run ahead of the parents in an amazing burst of raw energy?
Of course not.
That would be too much work. That would require some effort on his part. So little Humphry spends this time outside with mom and dad, by gliding along on his bright, red and white, Wheelies.
Cutting the benefits of "the walk" down to almost non existent.
I have serious reason to believe the North Koreans might be behind the manufacture of these shoes. What a nasty, evil little plot.
Now I just remembered I told you I saw something today that helped me decide to take a chance on some of my friends disowning me.
Here is what happened. I was in Walmart today. Minding my own business I must add, when a group of preteen girls, there were I think four of them, came tearing down the aisle.
I won't even comment on how much that bugged me.
Whoops. I guess I just did.
Well I couldn't help but notice how there was this one girl, slightly smaller than the rest of them, trying her hardest to keep up . It was quickly obvious that a big part of the reason why she was so behind was because she had on wheeled shoes!
She tried running after them.
No good.
She looked like she was running on hot coals it was so difficult for her.
So every few steps she would start gliding. That was no good because she realized that running was the quicker option. Just when I wouldn't have been surprised if she had sat down and taken off those horrible shoes, she decided to try gliding one more time.
And just guess what happened?
She ran right into this cute little toddler boy who was so proud to be walking down the aisle with his mommy. (Walking, not gliding, by the way.)
The girl didn't even apologize. She just got up and tried running after her friends again.
So I decided that I had, HAD IT.
I came home, I came upstairs, I started writing.
I hope if I have offended anyone that you will at least promise to think about some of the points I have made here.
Do we really want to raise up a generation of people who have become so accustomed to gliding that walking becomes a lost art?
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
I see them everywhere too. Mattie does have a pair. Luckily they are not allowed in school. That is great. It isn't my favorite thing to see either. I have had some whiz by me and don't look both ways. Walk I say too.
I don't see why it's okay for kids to wear them in stores and stuff - why don't we just let people run around the store in roller blades and skateboards? Why's it any different?
My kids will never own them. When we're walking somewhere, we'll wear shoes, when we want to play we'll buy roller blades, or bikes, or skateboards.... pointless little shoes.
That poor little boy - did she hurt him? I can't believe she didn't even apologise.
I have fallen behind!
Your pictures of your girls in your previous post are simply beautiful!
As for those skate things ~ i have looked after quite a few kids in the hospital who have fallen while wearing them. It's usually their wrists that they break. The kind of broken wrists that needed pins and plates to fix.
Anyway, what's wrong with the good old fashioned roller skates of the 1980's? tee-hee!
Shoes are shoes. And skates are skates. The two shouldn't be mixed up.
Amanda x
I think they're called Heelies. My son does not have one. He's not coordinated enough for them, plus he needs to walk more. I HATE them also.
I was walking my son and the neighbor boy to school last year. The neighbor boy had those stupid shoes on (I don't think they're suppposed to wear them to school) We crossed the street and when the neighbor kid jumped up onto the sidewalk that stupid little wheel popped out. He couldn't get it back in so had to walk to school like a woman with a broken high heel.
It's all a government conspiracy.
susan you'll hate me, but I've wondered to myself if they make those shoes for adults. Would be fun to try :)
Don't worry David I won't hate you. I'm pretty sure that you would treat them like the novelty that they are and wouldn't be terrorizing people with them in stores.
I've always secretly (not anymore though I guess) that some little punk kid would run into me while wearing those things.
Of course he'd be knocked on his ass and I'd drag him to his parents and tell them what happened. If they didn't have parents there I'd scare the crap out of them with... loads of documentation showing how dangerous those nasty little contraptions are!
That or maybe yell at them with my angry face :)
I agree with you totally.
My 2 kids both want them and I have refused to buy them ~ just an accident waiting to happen if you ask me!!
I love the pictures in your previous post ~ that little outfit is wonderful ~ just perfect!
Love and hugs Tabitha XXXX
They're great for rolling, but they are TORTURE to walk in.
I always thought those kind of shoes could hurt a kid more than one way, the one major reason is that they could easily fall and get hurt.
You make good points.
I only wondered if they sold them adult size so I could run faster than my toddler :)
I always liked to wear high heels, and I always claimed my shoes were comfortable even when I got a throbbing headache, and all in the name of fashion.
After being pregnant a couple of times I realized the importance of comfortable shoes, and now I really can't do without comfortable ones (sometimes even flat sole shoes can be uncomfortable)
i totally agree, suz!!! i don't like them and never have... thank GOD katherine was never "in" to them.
I totally agree Sue! Tyler seems ot get a new pair of these every year (from his Mom)! Not only are they a nuisance to walk around him in but... he tries to wear them in the house and clank clonks all over the floor(every weekend I am reminding him to remove them, they will ruin the floors). They are not only bad for their feet but are dangerous too. I wonder what the stats are for "Heeley" related head injuries.
My children will NEVER own those!!!
I won't buy them for my kids. I told them they had to buy them themselves. Well, they don't want them 60 bucks worth of their OWN money.
Besides, I'd make them wear their helmets!
Oh I read this and I could swear I wrote this. I have had this exact same though many times as I see kids walking though stores and airports in those stupid shoes. My husband and I are in agreement that our kids will NEVER own them. So few parents are disciplining their kids these days, its just not pc ya know, so these shoes along with a lack of discipline turn kids into monsters. I have seen kids on these shoes knock into adults and kids. My own kids have been run over in airports many times by these "cool" kids. I am in total agreement with you. And also they teach kids to walk on their tiptoes which is totally bad for their feet.
How about elementary kids with cell phones!
I went camping and you posted 8 times. A treat for me to catch up!
Heelies make Hellions. LOL. I refused to let my kids get them-even with their own money. Our local Walmart doesn't allow them. But, of course, it's hard to enforce.
From what I have read, I dont think you have offended anyone!!! They are not very popular here so I actually havent ever seen anyone wearing them. I have seen them in the stores but thats it.
Great post!!!
My kids have begged for these for years and I have always put my "foot" down. :) I hate it most when they whiz by in stores where "roller skates" aren't allowed...I totally agree with everything you said in this post! Yea Susan!
Hey! We were in a store (The Flower Factory) yesterday and they made an announcement to remind parents that the very shoes you're ranting about are not allowed in the store!
I hate those shoes!!!!! Chase has wanted a pair for a couple of years now, but to no avail. we will not budge! Especially after our little Joseph broke his leg last Easter. When we were having his cast put on the doctor told us that they see patients every day who have broken this or that on those darn roller shoes. Plus, like you said, they bring out the worst in kids!! Poor little toddler minding his own business at Walmart!
new post! new post! new post!
ok susan this is getting ridiculous, where is the new post!?
Knock, knock. Are you still there? Looking forward to a new post. :)
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