Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oh Happy Happy Tuesday

Today I am happy to announce is Tuesday! I know that you know this, and I know that you know that I know this.

So why the big deal, you ask.

Well, for one thing, Tuesday has become one of my favorite days of the week.

On most Tuesdays, Shawn goes to the ARC sponsored program VIP.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned VIP in previous posts.
It's every Tuesday and Thursday.
They go do fun things in the community.

Today they will be going bowling.

Shawn will be picked up by Dial-a-Ride around noon and won't be back home until around five this evening.

Shawn and I both love VIP.

For him it's a chance to get out of the house with a group of friends and have fun.
For me it's like a day off. I love Shawn very much, and you all know how much I enjoy him as well.

But once in a while I need time just for me.

I also know that being my little shadow gets boring for him as well as tedius for me.

So on VIP days, we both get what we want.

He has a grand day out, and I get around five hours of guilt free "me" time, knowing that he is having the time of his life while I get my nails done or my hair cut or just sit in Barnes and Noble and waste time reading any book my heart desires.

So yeah, that's a pretty big reason to love Tuesdays.

Today though is special. I have been waiting for today for almost two weeks now. That is because. . . . . . . . .

Because today is the day that Walt Disney's Masterpiece Pinnochio comes out on DVD! ! ! ! !

Oh how I love that movie!

Pinnochio was my absolute favorite movie when I was a child Back in the sixties, when I was young, Disney would bring out, to the theaters, one of their animated movies. I don't know how often Disney would go through their animated films, but it seems like at least three times a year my parents would take my sisters and me to go to whichever Disney movie was currently being shown.

I seem to remember hearing that each movie was released on a seven year cycle.

This has always seemed incorrect to me.

I have such strong memories of watching all of Disney's movies that it's hard to believe I only saw them once every seven years. I was born in 57. I don't think I was taken to the movies until I was at least three or so. So if the seven year cycle really is true then I couldn't have seen any one movie more than three or possibly four times before I was grown.

I think that shows just what a powerful experience it was for me to watch those films. That I would remember them as well, or maybe even better, than kids today that can watch a movie anytime they want.

So yes, over my years of seeing each of those films, only a few times, as a child, I would have to say that the impact they had on me was incredible.

It's that way for all of them, but the one I remember the very best would have to be Pinnochio.

That movie was pure kid-nip to me.

I loved the bright colors. I loved how cute all the puppets were. I don't think I can even come close to expressing even a fraction of how much I loved. . .

The Blue Fairy.

She was so beautiful, and kind, and sparkly (sparkly is very important to young girls) I loved how she was practically translucent. There was something about her that was just so comforting to me.

To this day, I still picture the tooth fairy as being played by her.

I loved Gippetto.
I adored Jimminy Cricket.
I was scared of Monstro but loved him at the same time.

Oh how I wanted to go to Pleasure Island.

I wasn't stupid though, I wouldn't have done the bad things.

I would have only gone on the rides and eaten cotton candy until I got sick.

One year I saw a plastic figurine of Pinnochio in some store.

It was pretty large. Around a foot tall or so. I stood there and looked at that doll the whole time we were in that store. My imagination took over and for the time it took my mother to buy whatever she was there for, I did nothing but stand there with that plastic Pinnochio thinking up all kinds of adventures the two of us would have.

Santa brought me that doll by the way.

I can't believe I didn't save it.

So these are my reasons for being excited about this particular Tuesday.

Some of you might plan on ironing today.

There are probably friends having lunch at Olive Garden somewhere.

I'm sure that somewhere someone will be having their braces,
tightened up,
Oh Happy Day,

Children will be attending school.

Men and Women will be putting in their time at wherever it is they call work.

But me?

I will be headed to Walmart to snag myself a copy of Pinocchio.

I can't wait!

Update:I would like to announce that my daughter Heidi is having her first give away. Haven't visited her yet? No problem. Go here to enter.


libbie said...

Oh HOW Fun! For Shawn, and for you! And now I know that Pinocchio is out, I must go and purchase it for my kids!

Debie Spurgeon said...

Happy movie watching.
I wish I could stay awake for a whole movie these days.

David said...

Pinocchio is my favorite Disney animated movie!

I don't think it's so strange that you remember movies better than kids now. I have this theory that people back in the day commited to memory because they HAD to. Today, there is no need, so it's easier to be mentally lazy, you can rewatch anything anytime.

I haven't bowled since I was in Kennewick.

I thought at first you were going to announce a Tuesday giveaway! It's still not too late to do that you know.

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

David, I completely agree on the laziness theory. In fact, I was going to basically say the same thing, but since you already did, I'll have to move on to plan B.


I was loving this heartfelt tribute to Pinocchio until it got to the last line and you went and sullied it by dragging Walmart into the conversation! It's like drinking a wonderfully creamy vanilla milkshake, and then a bird flies over and poops in it.

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy getting reacquainted with all your Pinoccian friends!

Josephine said...

I saw it at Sam's Club this morning, and now I feel bad for not buying it!!! It had a little toy Jimminy Cricket and everything!

SuzanSayz said...

Hey Mike, if it makes you feel any better I just remembered I was going to buy it at Target instead of Walmart, because at Target you get a bonus CD of songs from the movie.
However if it wasn't for that I WOULD be darkening the entrance to Walmart to buy it. And I want it known that I really LIKE Walmart. I just don't like going there more than, oh, say, four times a week.

Lisa Christine said...

Go pop yourself some popcorn and enjoy the movie!

Stephanie said...

Oh it sounds like fun. Have a wonderful afternoon.

Heidi D said...

I always thought of the Blue Fairy as the antithesis of the Tooth Fairy. Funny.

I love Pinocchio too. They have a "Make him dance" Pinocchio in Disneyland. We have video of Abbey doing it.

Stephanie said...

December was a rough month. I could hardly go. didn't feel like eating and Matt and Erin miscarried. So number two is still in Heaven. Thank you for asking.
Have a wonderful day.

Amanda said...

That's a film i haven't seen in years!
Hope you put your feet up and relaxed while you watched it!
Amanda x

dani said...

though not my VERY favorite, i love pinocchio, too, suz:))) i hope you had a "happy happy tuesday" treating yourself to the new digitally mastered masterpiece!!!
ps i always pictured the tooth fairy looking like the blue fairy, too:D

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Well by all means, enjoy the bonus soundtrack CD! Gotta love Target!

Mandi said...

Have FUN!!! Thank you so much for your lovely comments about Aimee's Party. I literally had chills when I read it, you are so sweet. Im just doing my best and I hope that is enough!!!! I love them so much, but you know exactly what I mean because you are a Mom too!!!

bensfm said...

Everyone needs a Tuesday, at least once in a while! Hope yours was good!

Anonymous said...

Oh Happy day!! How many times have you watched it now? I'm commenting on Thurs, so you could have watched it at least 6x.
and btw, my kids got their expanders tightend on your fun Tuesday!

Amy J. said...

All moms need a day off but why do we feel like we need to apologize when we admit that we enjoy it! :)

I hope the day went as planned without a single glitch in sight!

Tabitha said...

It is great that you get a chance to relax and have some me time on a Tuesday ~ we all need a break now and again.
The scheme that Shawn goes to sounds great and he must have such fun too.
I love that film too ~ will have to keep any eye out for it ~ my children have never seen it!
Love and hugs Tabitha XXX

Stephanie said...

sorry . Willis Insurance of England bought the Sears tower.Thus they are changing the name of this famous Chicago landmark to Willis Tower. I am pretending it is in my honor

Jeanette said...

All moms need a break. I am feeling guilty way in advance for signing my boys up for preschool next fall. One part of me feels they are too young, and the other feels I can't live without it.

Pinocchio always scared me. I liked the cricket and the fairy, but the rest all scared me to death.

Enjoy your movie and your day off.

Alexandra said...

Grandma i hav my own blog.

Michelle Alley said...

First, those dresses on the side of your blog are just too cute! I assume you made them -creative yoU! Second, sorry for not coming by your blog, I've missed your fun posts! I loved your pinnochio posts. I too just loved the good fairy and she is my favorite fairy. Have fun my friend on your next "free" tuesday! Lol, Michelle :)