Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A St Pattie's Picture Post! Oh and I guess an explanation is in order too

I realize that I have left quite a few of my friends in the dust the last few days. Here is a brief (hopefully) explanation.

On Monday for some reason the thought came to me of how many abbreviations we use in blogging. There's BTW, there's LOL, there's TBD, that one might not be as popular I guess, if you're wondering it stands for "to be determined" or if you really want to be difficult (or just plain lazy) you can even go with TBDAALT. To be determined at a later time.

Anyway, I started wondering how many letters you could use, instead of just spelling out each word, before you would have people scratching their heads thinking "what on earth are those initials supposed to mean".

For some reason the phrase "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" popped into my head. I started wondering what would happen if I wrote it out with only the first letter of each word. Would anyone be able to figure out what phrase I had written just by the first letters of each word.

So I wrote it out, and then to make it a little easier, I also put in spaces for each letter I left out.

It looked really easy to me, but that was mostly because I knew what it was. My son Kelly just happened to be sitting a few feet from me with his lap top, so I asked him to look at it and see if he could figure it out.

At first he was stymied, "Oh good" I thought, "I have come up with a tricky little puzzle".
Because of Kelly's difficulty, I decided (very spur of the moment this was) to make it a little blog challenge.

With prizes no less.

Well I should have realized what I was in for when just a minute after I posted my little puzzle, Kelly said, "oh, I see what it is, that wasn't really hard after all."

I'm still not sure why, but the only people who saw it and responded first were all family members.

If you are interested you can go to the monday post and the ones following it and read my newly created little Soap Opera for yourself.

I hope this is enough of an explanation to make it clear.

Alright, now to the other purpose of this new post.

Yesterday, being St. Patrick's Day, I felt quite festive. I had thought the night before that it would be fun to have Donald, Lisa and the girls come over for a St Patty's dinner.

I decided against it though because I remembered that Lisa had told me about her hectic week she had coming up.

Tuesday is usually not too busy of a day for her, but it was this week because she had agreed to play her violin for our local college CBC. They were putting on a concert last night and they wanted her to play in the symphony with them.

In case you didn't already know Lisa is a very accomplished violin player. She is a professional.

I ended up talking to her yesterday afternoon and told her that I had wanted to have them over for dinner that night, and we were able to work out her schedule so that they could come.

I took pictures.

Mostly of Elisabeth, and Elisabeth along with Alexandra and Lorelai.

Elisabeth was wearing her new green outfit that I recently made her, so I wanted pictures of her in it.

Here are pictures of last night.

Here is E in her new, green, grandma made, outfit. See how well she's sitting up? It's one of her new milestones.

Here we are at dinner. Eating our green food. Tuna noodle casserole, made with green spinach noodles and a side of peas. Believe it or not the girls LOVED it. Lisa and I couldn't have been more surprised. Or HAPPY. Three loving sisters.

Even more sisterly love.

What a happy little daddy's girl.

Sweet girl in her new green outfit. No pinches for Lizzy.

Another eating dinner shot.

I hope you enjoyed my pictures.
Also keep an eye out for a new puzzle contest. I'm hoping to make this one really hard.

UPDATE! I just went to my little brother Mike's blog and he has the coolest You Tube type video up. Go Here to see it, you won't be dissapointed. He loves comments too btw!


Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

I love the pics - can't believe how great E-Liz looks sitting up like a big girl!!

I also love that in the midst of that soap opera, I won me some Killian Korn!!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

I love comments so much that I'm leaving anther one here! Thanks for the plug, Su!!!

Jan said...

I am green with envy. That looks like fun. I hope Lisa gets all done too.

Cute outfit you made Susan. She is sitting up so well.

You house is so nice too :)

dani said...

LOOK AT MISS E!!! she is doing so well, and it excites me so much every time i see her doing something new:))) all of the girls are beautiful!!!
i'm so glad you all were able to get together to celebrate the holiday, suz... another sweet memory made:D

bensfm said...

Love the green outfit you made for Elizabeth, and those are the three most beautiful little girls ever!

bensfm said...

Oh-and thanks, Susan. Pretty soon I'll be watching every single one of your family members's blogs...and at some point I DO have to take care of my OWN family! :) (But they ARE all pretty entertaining!)

David said...

are lisa and lorelai wearing green?

Lisa Christine said...

Somehow I missed out seeing you take those pictures of the girls. Oh wait...it must have been after I left for the concert :)

Thanks for having us over. I was sooooo happy that the girls loved the dinner. And I still can't get over the fact that Alexandra turned up her nose at cheese pizza the night before but them devoured plate after plate of tuna noodle casserole. What a pleasant surprise!

Thanks also for Lizzy's new outfit. It is simply adorable. And she was so happy to not be pinched. Especially since she has such pinchable cheeks!

Lisa Christine said...

I am throwing in another comment...because I can't let Mike out comment me :)

{just in case this happens to be a contest or something} lol

Anonymous said...

That outfit is SHAMAROCKIN'!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

Elisabeth is so cute in that dress.

I'll be visiting you sometime this week or next week, I'll give you a call, Lisa won't be able to because she is pretty busy this month.

I had never realized how close your house was to mine.

My schedule got easier now that my little one is older.


David said...

no post in 3 days? how very linear of you. come on, give us a new post!

Alexandra said...

yes grandma i do like that staf